About Vigyanics

Vigyanics is a pioneer in Tangible Education. Our Vision is to Awaken the Scientist within each one of us and make Education Accessible, Tangible & Joy for all.


Our Mission

    • Discover the scientist within each one of us. All of us have special abilities, let us explore what we enjoy with a combination of technology and physical experience.
    • No Barriers for Learning: Age, Educational background or Location.
    • Make education tangible, accessible and fun for everyone.
    • Eradicate Rote learning education system by introducing conceptual learning with engaging teaching aids. Help students to understand the concepts better, they will also be able to retain and apply them better.
    • Ensure kids actually learn what they are taught in school and colleges
    • Give platform for everyone to venture into the profession of their choice, despite any educational background
    • Empower entrepreneurs to work in the areas of their interest
    • Unravel the hidden talent amongst the masses and public-aided schools
    • Take India on a growth path by imparting STEAM education to the masses